Day #47: Walk-n-Shop

(Retail Business Journal, DALLAS) – In a blast from the past, a major supermarket chain recently opened an old-fashioned walk-n-shop mall in Dallas’ tony Preston Hollow neighborhood. The last walk-in-shop, a retail format widely considered a legacy of a more leisurely time, closed in 2019. The developers, Universal Mall Corporation, are the largest operators of… Continue reading Day #47: Walk-n-Shop


Day #46: Exodus 17.5

Shemot (Exodus) 17.5: 1. And the people remembered Amalek; 2. And they came upon a poster in the desert; 3. And it was a giant poster; 4. And on it Og King of Bashan was playing golf; 5. And the poster said “Performance, Delivered.” 6. And the people were impressed. 7. On the morrow, a… Continue reading Day #46: Exodus 17.5


Day #45: The Bug

I can’t believe how drunk I was when I stumbled upstairs to my apartment. The world was all shaking and I just wanted to sit down and wait it out. If it happened once in a while, it might have been okay – but that was the third time that week. Not that I cared.… Continue reading Day #45: The Bug


Day #44: The Man in the White Shirt

“Okay, okay, I’ll tell you.” The soldier is crying. His body is wracked with pain. He’d put up a powerful fight. They’d beat him, burned him, stabbed him and electrocuted him. Finally, they’d unleashed hungry rats on his bleeding foot. It is with that, the pain and vision of his flesh being torn away in their tiny mouths,… Continue reading Day #44: The Man in the White Shirt


Day #43: Going Upstairs

From a distance, the thatched roofs of the medieval village seem peaceful enough. There is smoke from cooking fires rising up from a few of the humble huts. The sky is blue. A castle looms nearby. There aren’t many people. So, from a distance, you have to strain to hear the arguing. There is a… Continue reading Day #43: Going Upstairs
